In ICEM2024 Proceedings, there will be no difference in between oral and poster presentations. All papers will be treated in the same way and will be potentially available in the IEEEXplore after the conference only if presented after a double-check by IEEE services. All no-shows will be clearly removed from the final ICEM2022 Proceedings.
Oral Presentation
All authors presenting a paper in oral are kindly requested to proceed to the Speaker room which will be opened during the whole conference. They are required to visit that room at least 1 hour before their session will start and ask the support staff to upload their presentation. They have to provide the support technician with a PPT or PDF file of their presentation contained on a USB key. It will not be possible to use their own computer during the presentation to avoid delays and technical problems.
The length of each presentation will be restricted to 20 minutes including questions. The authors presenting a paper are strongly advised to keep their oral presentation within 15 minutes (15 to 20 slides) and to let 5 minutes for questions. Presenting author have to bring a short printed bio of 10 lines maximum to the session co-chairs.
The template for oral presentations can be downloaded here.
A poster preparation is a difficult but rather interesting exercise. It is not allowed to simply pin up a simple copy of the published paper. The authors must build their poster using the provided template which can be downloaded here. The provided template has a A0 European size (119 cm height, 84 cm width). Please do remain strictly in these dimensions. Each poster will be hanged by the presenters to the panel specified by organizers and by using material provided by the support staff present in the poster area. Authors presenting a poster are kindly requested to be in person in front of their poster during the allocated time for poster sessions in order to answer to attendees’ questions and also to present their work to ICEM Awards Committee members if asked.
The template for poster can be downloaded here
Linkedin Survey:
Are you able to guess when Galileo Ferraris published his research on the “Rotating Magnetic Filed”?
ICEM 2024 Lectio Magistralis: Galileo Ferraris vs Nikola Tesla