The IEEE COMPSAC conference back in Torino
22 Sep 2021 Permalink

The IEEE COMPSAC conference back in Torino

We knew the 41st International Conference of the IEEE Computer Society COMPSAC held in Torino in 2017 was really appreciated by the attendees but honestly said we could not imagine that the conference international organization could decide to come back to Italy after just a few years from that successful edition. Well, it has happened! COMPSAC is coming to Europe again after this long and difficult pandemic period which made it impossible for the COMPSAC steering committee to organize the 2020 and 2021 conferences in-person.

Torino will host the 2022 conference at the Politecnico congress facilities from June 27 to July 1.  A great occasion for all of us to get back to international events in-person after so many virtual conferences. We expect about 400 attendees to join the conference from all over the world, hoping that the pandemic crises at the time will be finally over. The local organizing committee will be chaired by prof. Claudio Demartini of the Politecnico di Torino who also led the local organization in 2017.