The abstract submission system is now open.
The full paper must have a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 12 pages including references
- Algorithms for structural health monitoring
- Bridge Dynamics
- Constitutive modelling under earthquake loading
- Dynamics of concrete, steel and masonry structures
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering
- Numerical simulation methods for dynamic problems
- Optimum design and control in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering
- Parallel and distributed computing
- Cloud computing
- Performance-based earthquake engineering
- Reliability of dynamic systems
- Repair and retrofit of structures
- Resilience assessment
- Seismic isolation
- Seismic risk and reliability analysis
- Behaviour of existing masonry structures under earthquakes: advancements in analysis methods, monitoring and consolidation systems
- Innovative methods for vulnerability and resilience analyses of infrastructures
- Recent advances in SHM of existing buildings and bridges
- Territorial scale estimation of losses following extreme natural events
- Seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices to enhance resilience of structures and infrastructures
- Physical and social resilience of infrastructures under multi hazard scenarios
- Sustainable Approaches in Optimum Design of Structural Systems and Optimal Identification of Control Devices
Deadline for submission will be December 15, 2023 postponed to January 31, 2024
The accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference proceedings by Springer.
All authors are requested to follow the provided templates and the consent form by Springer