The Organizing Committee is excited to announce that the Conference will feature a Technical Session on the Messina Strait Bridge that will take place on Wednesday, June 26.

The decade-long discussion over the feasibility of the Messina Strait Bridge could finally come to an end, with the construction of the bridge that will become the longest suspension bridge in the world set to start in 2024. The Messina Strait is one of the most seismically active areas of the Mediterranean, that could be struck by Mw 7.1-7.4 earthquakes with PGAs exceeding 1g. The construction of a bridge connecting the island of Sicily to the Italian peninsula represents a compelling technical challenge as well as an incredible opportunity that would open a new mobility corridor, making the South of Italy a key node in the European infrastructure system.
The technical session will present several original aspects about design challenges, seismotectonic setting of the region, influence on the design of future suspension bridges, economic opportunities, and more.

Invited Speakers:
Prof. Carlo Doglioni
Sapienza University of Rome and President of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology

Prof.Enzo Siviero
IUAV University of Venice

Prof.Piero D’Asdia
University of Chieti and Pescara

Prof.Giorgio Diana
Polytechnic University of Milan

  • 24 June 2024
  • Torino-Ispra, Italy

Hosting Institutions:
