Industry sessions are a novelty of ICEM'24 and consist of slides-only presentations, with no need for submitting a paper to undergo the revision process.Not having a written paper, presentations in Industry Sessions allow authors to publish their latest work without the burden of preparing a formal manuscript.The scope of Industry Sessions is to allow a wider range of technical contributions and keep involved those authors willing to present early-stage ideas or authors from the industry to present their work even when having no time or the clearance for submitting a paper.Industry Session presentations will allow showcasing current information appealing not just design and R&D engineers but also other electrical-machine and drives professionals including systems and applications engineers, regulatory engineers, component suppliers, regulatory engineers, etc ..The topic for the15-minute presentation must be in line with the wide area of electrical machines and drives. Please refer to the list of topics in the general call for papers for guidance. The presentation can cover various aspects, such as a technical presentation, a technological survey, a vision of future scenarios in the fields of application of electrical machines and drives or any topic deemed interesting for ICEM'24.The content of presentations must not be commercial: overly commercial presentations will be automatically rejected.The format of Industry Sessions will be the standard 2-hour, 6 papers format of regular oral sessions, and they will run in parallel to all other oral sessions (regular and special sessions).As for regular oral sessions, the presenting author must fulfill the requirement of full registration.Presentation proposals should be addressed to the Exhibition and Industry Sessions co-chairs (email addresses are reported below).The deadlines for Industry Session presentations are:
May 1: presentation proposal- June 1: notification of acceptance
Accepted presentations must be associated with one full registration for the speaker.Prospect authors are invited to use the ICEM24 slides template and address their proposals to:Rafal Wrobel (UK) Bianchini (Italy) claudio.bianchini@unimore.itMarco Villani (Italy)
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Are you able to guess when Galileo Ferraris published his research on the “Rotating Magnetic Filed”?