Student Forum: Call for ParticipationThe ICEM Student Forum is organized for the seventh time.It consists of a competition for student papers, a party and an occasion for the students to present their curriculum to companies offering job opportunities.Here are the conditions to participate in the ICEM’2024 Student Forum:
- Must be a MSc or PhD student registered in a university or a research institute, or a post-doc graduated less than 2 years before September 04, 2024.
- Must pay a student or full registration fee.
- To prepare an individual poster (format provided) summarizing the entire research work along the graduation period (one author per poster).
- To prepare one page CV (PDF format) to be shown aside to the poster
- To be ready for interviews by companies attending ICEM’2024.
The three best posters will receive the ICEM “Jorma Luomi Student Forum Award” during the closing ceremony.Participation in Student Forum does not exclude the participant from presenting papers at the regular or special sessions of the conference and does not cumulate with the papers admitted per full registration, as the Student Forum posters do not imply submitting papers to review.Proposals including the proposed poster and the short CV of the candidate must be sent by e-mail to the Student Forum Co-Chairsby June1, 2024:Rosario Miceli (Italy) rosario.miceli@unipa.itEpaminondas Mitronikas (Greece) e.mitronikas@ece.upatras.grWolfgang Gruber (Austria) wolfgang.gruber@jku.atPlease use the provided poster template and keep all co-chairs in cc.
Linkedin Survey:
Are you able to guess when Galileo Ferraris published his research on the “Rotating Magnetic Filed”?
ICEM 2024 Lectio Magistralis: Galileo Ferraris vs Nikola Tesla